First Home Buyers Flock to Cranbourne

Loans from the Commonwealth Bank to Cranbourne first home buyers, only 5 minutes from The Junction, has increased by a whopping 23 per cent as they enter the market in droves!


18 Jan 2021

The Commonwealth Bank funds a huge amount of home loans in Australia. The sheer volume means that the bank’s data can be trusted to provide accurate insights into national trends.

According to the CBA, their lending to first home buyers increased by a whopping 21 per cent in 2020 – the highest level in a decade.

When you consider that Victoria and Melbourne, in particular, spent a big portion of 2020 in COVID lockdown, having so many first home buyers realising their dream of homeownership seems remarkable.

But with interest rates at an all-time low, and a plethora of government incentives including the First Home Owner Grant, First Home Loan Deposit Scheme, HomeBuilder and the Stamp Duty exemption, buying your first home has never been more achievable.

It’s no surprise that Cranbourne features high on the list of Melbourne’s most popular suburb destinations among first home buyers. In fact, at 23 per cent the increase in CBA loans to Cranbourne buyers is higher than the national average.

It makes sense. Cranbourne is a bustling hub full of amenities. From shops to restaurants, schools and entertainment, it has everything you need for a full and varied lifestyle. Add the convenience of proximity to high-quality destinations on the Mornington Peninsula and Melbourne’s CBD, and Cranbourne is an obvious choice.

Of course, The Junction is an even better choice. Right next door, you have access to all that Cranbourne has to offer while living in the naturally beautiful setting of Botanic Ridge, beside the Royal Botanic Gardens.

If you’re thinking about buying your first home, there’s nowhere better than The Junction to do it. And there’s no better time than right now. Call us on 0497 111 722 and let’s chat about the opportunities.

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