The Park Reserve at The Junction to Open This Year!
The Park Reserve will be the green focal point of our community, a place to relax, exercise, picnic and play. And it will be delivered by the end of this year before you move in!
Central Park will be the green focal point of our community, a place to relax, exercise, picnic and play. And it will be delivered by the end of this year before you move in!
When it comes to enjoying the great outdoors residents at The Junction will be truly spoilt. Apart from living beside the renowned Cranbourne Royal Botanic Gardens, and having immediate access to the unique natural beauty of our very own future wetlands reserve, at the heart of our community will be a perfect, family-friendly park.
Almost a hectare in size and designed and delivered by the highly respected (and multi-award winning) firm of Flemings Landscapes, the Park Reserve will be a leafy green oasis dotted with native trees including Kurrajong, Spotted Gum and red flowering Yellow Gum. The new plantings will complement the two large Bangalay trees that set down their roots here long ago!
Intersecting pathways will meander through the greenery, with timber seats along the way providing opportunities to rest, relax, and absorb the serenity.
The littlies will make a beeline for the playground, nested between the two established Bangalays near the centre of the park. Complete with a swing set (of course!), see-saw rocker and multi-dimensional play centre, this is where our local kids will be able to build their confidence, make friends and have a ball!
Shade sails over the playground will offer protection from the sun, and the sheltered picnic tables will be the perfect spot to keep an eye on things before that lunchtime snack.
Of course every park needs green open space, somewhere for bigger kids to run off energy kicking a ball or throwing a Frisbee, and our Park Reserve has enough lush grass for our entire community to enjoy.
We expect works to be complete before the end of the year – hopefully in time for summer! We’ll be sure to keep you posted on its progress, so stay tuned!